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School Organization

School Calendar

  • Beginning of the school year August 24: Infant and Lower Primary (1º-3º)Education pupils.

August 25: Upper  Primary (4º-6º) and  Secondary Education pupils

August 26: Baccalaureate students

  •  End of School Year        June, 30th  (the last day of classes with a regular schedule from 8am – 4pm)

From July 1 to July 8 the classes will be from 8am to 1 pm, without Dining room service (Except for Baccalaureate students who have a different  school calendar and finish their classes in June).

  • SEK documents delivery

Monday, July 11

  • Christmas Vacations

From  December 22, 2015 to January 6th, 2016  inclusive. Classes start on  Thursday, January 7.

  • Easter Holidays

From  March  21  to April 4, 2014 inclusive. Classes start on Tuesday, April 5.

  • Public Holidays: September 16, October 12, November 16, February 1, May 5. More


From Monday to Friday: 8.00 to 16.00 (Except for the classes in July when the timetable is from 8am to 1pm)

Extra-curricular activities: 16.15 to 17.15

Selection teams SEK: 16.15 – 17.30

Punctuality is very important throughout the school day, but most of all first thing in the morning. We would like to remind you that lessons will begin at the set time mentioned above, therefore pupils must be in the classroom at 7.55a.m. Once lessons have begun, they will not be interrupted, so students will not be allowed to enter the classroom until the following lesson. If a student should arrive late, he/she must wait at the library until the following lesson.

Those students who arrive late must register their name, grade and arrival time, the accumulation of various late arrival registrations may be considered as serious misconduct.

Both delays and absences must be justified in the School agenda.

The school has 24 hours security service so we ask  you to follow the instructions of the authorized personnel at the time of arrival  and departure of the pupils.  It is very important that parents had an identification sign of SEK FAMILY  on their cars if they wanted to enter  the school facilities.

Arrival and Departure of the students during school hours

To ensure the smooth operation of the school unnecessary interruptions should be avoided during the school day, except for justified serious circumstances.

In the event of early departures or late arrivals, these should be adjusted according to breaks or lunchtime and never during lesson time.

Under no circumstances will a student be allowed to leave the School premises without a parent/guardian submitting a written authorisation.

If we are all able to cooperate a little, the benefit will be greater for all and not only will we improve our school environment but also our society in general.


Regular attendance by the student is the basis of efficient learning.

If for any unforeseen circumstances a student cannot attend school, he/she must submit a justification in writing or in his/her agenda, on the day he/she returns, to either the form teacher or the Head of Studies. The justification must be signed and dated by the parents.

Should absences be caused by illness, a medical certificate must be attached.

The student must not exceed the number of 10% of absences otherwise he/she will not be assessed.

Communication with your children

We inform you that students can only receive messages before 14.30, after that  only urgent  or previously authorised by the Head of Studies  messages will be delivered.

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