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New Technologies

It  is difficult to argue that New Technology is extremely  important these days, that is why stepping into a virtual  world is one of the priorities for  the school,  and it is not only  about teaching a computer class  but also about introducing  technology as a cross-sectional  tool that helps the process of learning.

From the very beginning our school has been using the most pioneering and innovative tools available, so nowadays SEK Guadalajara  can be proud of serving an example of the proper use of modern technologies for educational purpose.  Our students learn how to use all the newest  tools that are accessible from the very first days at SEK. As further proof of the technological progress, SEK has modern facilities where anyone can notice the use of the technology and its service to education as well as  to security and well-being of our students.  Furthermore, our digital structure has the following elements:

  • Access Point that provides internet connection in  each classroom
  • All our classrooms equipped with  the latest generation Smart boards
  • A Mac classroom with 21 computers for projects that require these devices
  • A cart with 60 Ipads which  are used mainly in Infant and Elementary education
  • Students and their parents  have an access to the website where they may check students` grades.
  • Content filtering is a powerful tool  that helps us to provide safe internet navigation  and use of e-mail by  controlling and blocking  cybercrime.

The Ipad Project 1:1

Our students of the 1st grade of secondary  school work on  their school  tasks using only their own Ipads, obviously  it can  be possible through the use  of E- books, access to the Internet platforms and various applications that each of the students is provided with by the institution. It is out of doubt that there is a definite  focus on innovation  in our daily school life.

Thus, at the same time, the rest of the school grades continue using the Ipads provided by the school  when it is necessary.  All these permit us to keep pursuing early formation  in the use of technology and knowledge for our students ` development

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