Tour Colmenar
Tour Colmenar Hace unas semanas, los alumnos de Séptimo Grado junto a tres docentes (Biología,…
The science coordination organized the selection of environmental delegates by group. The participating children made proposals in favor of the environment. They made known why they wanted to be elected as environmental delegates, and at the end of this, the group voted democratically. Environmental delegates at the SEK Guadalajara school are students designated or elected to lead and promote actions related to environmental protection and sustainability in the school environment.
The actions carried out are the following:
Environmental education: Organize talks, workshops, and activities to raise awareness among classmates and school staff about environmental issues, such as the importance of conservation, waste reduction, and energy efficiency.
Recycling: promoting campaigns to collect caps and paper which are donated to «Mi Gran Esperanza A.C. to be able to provide our help for children with cancer and at the same time promote the separation of waste.
Adopt a plant: Students in each group are responsible for caring for a plant to promote responsibility and care for a living organism.
Water and energy conservation: Implement measures to save water and energy at school, such as turning off lights when not necessary, turning off faucets properly, and raising awareness about the responsible use of these resources.
Garden: Participate in garden and green area care projects at school, promoting the planting of trees and native plants and the maintenance of a healthy environment.
Alma Donaji Madrigal
Science Coordinator