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Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis

In our Secondary School courses, when students study the behavior of living beings, societies, the market, etc., they are generally faced with a large amount of information, and they have to decide how to contrast and analyze data in order to have a more comprehensive panorama and formulate hypotheses and their projections. With this in mind, students bring to their minds knowledge of mathematics and computer science, among others. They then submit the data to statistical analysis and put them on graphs that help in this process, reinforcing the statement: “Meaningful learning occurs when the learner interprets, relates, and incorporates new information with existing knowledge and applies the new information to solve novel problems.” (Ausubel, 1963).

This learning, therefore, represents decision-making, such as the amount of data, the real meaning of the average, mean, median, and other data obtained, and the type of graph, colors, and textures that can emphasize the information displayed. All this creation process even influences students´ process of interpreting existing graphics and the information they provide.

Edith Lozano
Middle School Science Coordinator

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